2 passwords
m edited this page 2023-01-27 08:52:18 +00:00

lookup passwords

When details=False, only the password is returned.
When details=True, the entire object is returned.

- name: Retrieve only Password with label "Stackoverflow"
    var: lookup('markuman.nextcloud.passwords', 'Stackoverflow' , host='nextcloud.tld', user='ansible', api_token='some-token', details=False)
- name: Retrieve password with details with label "Stackoverflow"
    var: lookup('markuman.nextcloud.passwords', 'Stackoverflow', details=True)

Added in 11.0.0, E2EE is supportet.

- debug:
        msg: "{{ lookup('markuman.nextcloud.passwords', 'ansible-test-01', cse_password='SuperSicher12345', host='nextcloud.com', user='myuser', api_token='mynextcloudpassword_or_api_token') }}"